Pack Ratting - The Up Side

One of My Work Spaces

The downsides to being a pack rat are obvious... your workspace is always cluttered, your home is always a mess, your family or friends think you have separation issues, (maybe they are right). There is an up side to being a pack rat, however. In fact there are several.

Game Pieces, Bullet Shells, Doll Parts
The layman can only see clutter, mess, junk. But one man's junk is another's treasure! The first great thing about being a pack rat is you have everything! It's like having your own crafting superstore to outfit a kindergarten class! Yarn, felt, glass blobs, misc fabric, acorns, beads, chain, egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, game pieces, thread spools, animal skulls, turtle shells, birds' feet and wings, animal pelts, sticks, stones, beach glass, blah blah blah... (seriously!!)
Animal Parts
 The second great thing is people often think about you when they're cleaning out their closets, gifting you with even more great supplies. The best part of this is, it spikes your creativity. Yea sure, you can see a fun project in a book and jump in the car to Joann's, spend $25 bucks on paint and wood sticks and fabric off the bolt, but why?? When people give you supplies your brain finds a use for it all and it's surely one of a kind; most of what people have given me are unfinished projects of their own from 20-30 years ago!! Unique vintage supplies!! Whose got access to those types of materials?! Wunderbar!!

Gifted Felt Daisies
Thirdly, projects cost next to nothing to make literally because most new projects are made from gifted or re-purposed supplies from which you've already got your money's worth.
Some organization

Vintage and used clothes for re-purposing

Vintage Jewelry ready for a second run


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